If there’s one thing I know about creative entrepreneurs, it’s that we have PASSION. There’s something about identifying as a creative that I’m sure you’ve noticed… it’s a part of who you are and it eeks out of you…like when you’re a guest at a wedding and you notice every little detail…good and bad. 😅 […]
How many times have you set a big goal in your business but never reached it? If you’re really honest with yourself, do you know what kept you from making it happen? Did you, by chance, experience shiny object syndrome and spend your time working on other things that didn’t work toward your goal? Assuming […]
You’ve decided what success looks like for you and your business and now you know you’re ready to take your business to the next level. YAY! That’s so great! Buuuuuuut how? Upleveling will look different for everyone, so today, I want to highlight three common ways you can uplevel in your creative business. We’ll talk […]
At the start of the new year you probably dreamed some big dreams and set some exciting goals. You’re ready to uplevel and grow this biz dream of yours. Maybe you’re booking out months in advance, so you think it’s time to uplevel. Maybe you’re not booking quiiiiite ideal clients or you have big financial […]
I can’t tell you how many hours of my life have been spent watching “The Office.” Or how many times an Office quote makes its way into conversations with friends. It’s one of our favorite shows, so much so that we watched two whole seasons on our Honeymoon. Yes, we were in gorgeous Cabo San […]
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