• Personal Budget Breakdown Spreadsheet
  • Business Fund Calculator Spreadsheet
  • Detailed User Guide PDF
  • Spreadsheet Walkthrough Video

What's Included

A full breakdown of all the personal money you spend with a sinking fund and savings goal calculator so you know exactly what you should pay yourself every month to cover your costs and meet your personal money goals.

What it is

Personal Budget Breakdown


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How much do I need to pay myself every month in order to cover my personal expenses?

Does my monthly income cover my monthly spending?

How much do I need to save every month in order to pay irregular expenses without stress?

How much would I need to save every month in order to afford to ______ (ex: take my family to Disney in 2 years, pay for my child’s wedding, buy a new car in 4 years)?

Questions this spreadsheet answers:

Duo Collective

"It was such a relief to just be able to plug the numbers into the spreadsheets to see everything laid out and know that it will work."

The Personal Budget Breakdown will show you how much personal money you spend every month and how your spending breaks down into categories so you can assess and adjust to fit your needs and goals. You’ll also discover how much you would need to be saving every month in order to cover long term goals and irregular expenses that don’t happen monthly.

What You'll Learn

Financial stability and freedom in your business starts with intentionality in your personal budget. A clear understanding of your personal finances should also play into your pricing and the percentage of your income you set aside for your salary.

Why It's Important

Enter your information to see a clearer picture of your finances and assess the situation. This leads to informed decision-making and life-changing clarity!

Fill it in

Your first step will be to create a copy of the spreadsheet to your own Google Drive account so you can fill in your data.

Save a copy to your Google Drive

After your purchase, you'll get immediate access to the spreadsheet template with a detailed guide and walkthrough video to help you get started!

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How it Works


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