• Profitable Pricing Calculator Spreadsheet
  • Gift Budget Spreadsheet
  • Detailed User Guide PDF
  • Spreadsheet Walkthrough Video

What's Included

A pricing calculator that reveals what you’re actually making and whether or not your pricing is profitable. Use this to check the health of your pricing and to make sure you’re covering your costs and profiting with every sale. No more guessing when setting your prices!

What it is

Profitable Pricing Calculator


Black Friday Sale!

$24 $12

Is my pricing covering my costs?

How much am I actually making from this offering?

How much am I actually making per hour?

How much am I spending on each offering?

Questions this spreadsheet answers:

Online Shop Owner

"The Profitable Pricing Calculator is so incredible. It opened my eyes to what I was making versus what I wanted to be making and allows me to analyze new products prior to bringing them into my shop. I have loved seeing profitable numbers in my spreadsheets before releases instead of just “guessing” what I should be charging."

If you aren’t sure what your pricing should be, this spreadsheet will help bring clarity to that! It will help you think through every expense you have if you book that service or produce that product and still profit with every sale.

You will be able to see how much money you are actually making for your business and salary, how much you should be saving for taxes, as well as what your salary breaks down to as an hourly rate. This provides a really great gut-check as you consider whether your pricing is right. 

What You'll Learn

In order to cover your costs with your pricing and to make sure you’re paying yourself enough, you need to know what all your costs are and how those numbers affect the bottom line. This spreadsheet brings ultra clarity to how profitable your pricing currently is and empowers you to set or raise your prices with confidence.

Why It's Important

Enter your information to see a clearer picture of your finances and assess the situation. This leads to informed decision-making and life-changing clarity!

Fill it in

Your first step will be to create a copy of the spreadsheet to your own Google Drive account so you can fill in your data.

Save a copy to your Google Drive

After your purchase, you'll get immediate access to the spreadsheet template with a detailed guide and walkthrough video to help you get started!

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How it Works


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